To create a drop-down menu follow the steps mentioned below : 1. Open your Shopify admin panel and go to the Online store ➜ Navigation section. You can see the available link lists and select the item list you want to add to the drop-down menu. For example, if you have the Catalog menu item, […]
tutotial Category Archives:
How To Edit Footer Links And Copyright Notification | Shopify Themes
To edit footer links and copyright notifications follow the steps mentioned below : 1. Open your Shopify admin panel and go to the Online store ➜ Themes ➜ Customize section : 2. Then choose the Custom blocks section 3. Scroll down to the Footer position where all the footer links are set. 4. For Editing […]
How To Manage Your Store’s Main Menu (Mega Menu) | Shopify Themes
To manage your store’s main menu follow the steps mentioned below : The main menu of your store can be managed through theme customization. You can open your Shopify admin panel and go to the Online store ➜ Customize ➜ Header ➜ Megamenu section. The theme editor allows you to enable/disable the main menu. There […]
How To Manage Navigation Links | Shopify Themes
To create or manage navigation links (menus), follow the steps mentioned below : Creating a new menu 1. Open your Shopify admin panel and go to the Online store ➜ Navigation section : 2. Click on the Add new button 3. Enter the menu name in Menu description ➜ Name filed. 4. You can skip […]