How To Configure Products Filter | OpenCart 3.x

Product filters allow website visitors to search for products based on their preferred options. For example, visitors can search products by size, color, price, etc in the product filter.

In most cases, such filters are being placed on the category page in order to simplify navigation through products available on the website.

Let’s add a product filter to the category page :

Adding filters to the Opencart

1.  Open the Opencart Admin Panel and go to the CatalogFilters section :


2. Click on the Add New (+) button in the top-right corner. Where you need to specify Filter Group Name in the Filter Group section.

For example, let’s set colors as a Filter Group Name.


3. The Filter Values section allows you to set specific options. Let’s set the following values: Red, Blue, Green. You can set the order option in the Sort Order section.

Enabling the filter module in the modules section

1. In your Opencart admin panel go to the ExtensionsExtensions section :

Select Modules in the choose the extension type drop-down menu.

2. Find the module called Filter. Install the module and set it to Enabled.

    Save the changes.

Assigning the module to the category layout

1.  In your Opencart admin panel go to the DesignLayouts section. Edit a layout called Category. In most cases, the module should be assigned to the column right positions.

Let us assign the module to the column left position. You should navigate to the left column position and add the module filter to this position.

Save the changes you have performed on the category layout.

Assigning filter to the products

1.  In your Opencart admin panel go to the CatalogProducts section. Click on the Edit button for the product you want to assign the filter to.

Go to the Links tab and select the filter you want in the Filters section.

The filter box has the autocomplete feature. Save the changes.

Assigning the filter to the categories that have products with filters

1. In your Opencart admin panel go to the CatalogCategories section, edit an appropriate category.

2. Access the tab called Data and select filters.

3. Save the changes you made.

Open the website and access the category filter. The appropriate filter will show up on the category page.

Hope this tutorial will be helpful to you!

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