1. After you download the template, Extract the theme folder and search the “theme XYZ” folder (XYZ stands for the theme number).
2. Upload the ‘full-package’ archive to your server using the hosting cPanel file manager or FTP manager.
3. Unzip the archive or PHP script (unzip.php) or Extract it in your hosting panel file manager.
4. Create a user and Database on MySQL server. Add the user to the database and give the user all the necessary permissions. Save these details with a password for the user as you will need it later during installation.
5. Open your web address in the browser. Make sure you specify the correct directory where the files are uploaded.
You must see the Opencart auto-installer with the Licence agreement on the first page. Read the terms and agreement and click the Continue button to proceed.
6. The next step is pre-installation, you can check whether your server meets all the requirements for the successful Opencart set up such as server extensions, PHP settings, permissions.
If all the components have green marks in the “Status” field you can click the Continue button to move to the configuration step. If you see any red marks in any of the requirements, you have to contact your hosting provider for checking the server issue and correcting them.
7. The next step will be Configuration, you will have to fill in the options with your database and the administration details.
Use the database details you created before, try to keep ‘oc_’ as a database prefix for a successful sample data installation (the website will not look as same as the live demo if you use any other prefix).
Type the desired username, password, and email in the administration section, and click the Continue button.
8. Now the installation is complete, rename or remove the ‘install’ folder as you will no longer need it, also it is necessary for security purposes. You can explore your front-end or check the administration panel.
Hope this tutorial will be helpful to you!
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