QuickStack - The Special Multistore PrestaShop Template is a responsive theme and designed for selling Electronics products, TV, Computers, Accessories, Mobile, Web Camera store. The theme is responsive and supports all devices, user-friendly and fine-looking.
Basic Features
- Photo Gallery
- Sidebar Shopping Cart
- Ajax Cart
- Newsletter Subscription Form
- Display Manufacturer / Brand on Product Page
- Manufacturer / Brand Slider
- Product Wishlist
- Product Labels
- Product Comparison
- Custom Static Block
- Product Slider (Featured, New, Special and Best Seller products)
- Product Block (Featured, New, Special and Best Seller products.)
- Featured Categories on Homepage
- Contact Form
- Facebook Block
- Social Block
- Social Share Buttons
- Newsletter Subscription Block in Footer
- PSD files supplied
- Custom Fonts
- Custom Colors
- SEO Optimized
- Multilingual
- Advanced EU Compliance
- Multistore Ready
- Blog System
- Sticky Shopping Card
- Scroll To Top Button
- Quick View Product
- Grid or List View
- Standard 5 Step Checkout
- One Page Checkout
- Search Block
- Layered Navigation
- Background Video
- Effects & Transitions
- Parallax Scrolling
- Image Zoom Effect
- Custom Width
- Custom Static Content
- Custom Page Layout
- Custom Background
- Vertical Menu
- Horizontal Menu
- Sticky Menu
- Custom Content
- Dropdown Menu
- Mega Menu
- Custom Page Layout
- Responsive
- Retina Ready
- Google Web Fonts
- Google Rich Snippets Integration
- Bootstrap
- Icon Fonts
- Lazy Load Effect
- Support RTL (right-to-left) Language
Additionnal Features
- Video Gallery
- Full Screen Slider
- Newsletter Subscription Popup
- Popup Add to Cart
- Custom Slideshow
- Extra Fields on Product Page
- Product Comments
- $49.99
Subscription Plan
Webibazaar Subscription - Unlimited Access for One Plan Only $149.99
New Items Weekly | 24/7 Support
Download this Item for Free New Items Weekly | 24/7 Support
3 months support from Webibazaar
Ready to use
Documentation included
Developed by a Top Developer
Since January, 2017
Last Update | 03/02/2023 |
Created Date | 19/09/2019 |
High Resolution | Yes |
Browser-compatibility | IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge |
Prestashop Version | PrestaShop 1.7.7.x, PrestaShop 1.7.6.x, PrestaShop 1.7.5.x, PrestaShop 1.7.4.x, PrestaShop 1.7.3.x, PrestaShop 1.7.2.x, PrestaShop 1.7.1.x, PrestaShop 1.7.0.x |
Columns | 1 |
Documentation | Well Documented |
Layout | Responsive |
Tags: | Prestashop Electronics template marketplace prestashop Computer Mobile Laptop template quickstack-the-special-multistore-template |
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